
…and Voice Your Support!

For more than 50 years, the SVC has provided an opportunity for Valley residents to experience fine choral music. Won’t you consider becoming a contributor? Or perhaps you’d like to be a volunteer? If so, give us a call (570-547-0455) and we can find out how you’d like to help out.

The Susquehanna Valley Chorale is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All gifts are tax-deductible in the U.S., according to law.


Your tax-deductible contribution will be directed to the Chorale’s General Fund, unless otherwise specified by you. Giving levels include:

SPONSOR* – $6,000+

CO-SPONSOR* – $3,000-$5,999

UNDERWRITER* of the Conductor – $2,000 – $2,999

UNDERWRITER* of Programming – $1,500 – $1,999 (orchestra, soloists, space rental, etc.)

Donors at the above levels receive one or more of the following: public recognition, membership in Friends of the Chorale, complimentary tickets, program ads. Please contact us for more details.

BACH TIER* – $1,000 – $1,499

BRAHMS TIER* – $500 – $999

MOZART TIER – $250-$499

RUTTER TIER – $100-$249


Donations to SVC can be made securely through PayPal by clicking the Donate button. Or, you can contact us directly. Thank you in advance for your kind support!

Donors of $500 and above (between July 1 and June 30) are considered members of the “Friends of the Chorale.” AS A FRIEND, your tax-deductible contribution entitles you to:

  • Invitations to special “Friends” events
  • Listing in concert programs
  • Reserved seating at all concerts