
What Singers Need to Know

New singers in the Chorale are welcomed twice every season through auditions with Conductor William Payn in late August/early September and mid-January. Singers auditioning should be prepared to sing a selection of their choice and demonstrate understanding of a musical score.

The audition piece should be a test of the performer’s range and their understanding of intricate works. Hymns, the National Anthem and/or Pop songs will NOT be accepted. Any of the arias in Handel’s Messiah or Mozart’s Requiem would be excellent examples. Italian Arias, French songs or lieder are also good choices; and, Sacred works by significant composers such as Malotte’s “Lord’s Prayer” or Handel’s “Where’er You Walk.”

The samples linked below are just a few suggested audition materials. We also suggest visiting where you can find appropriate music to download, as well as choosing your key. Please feel free to contact SVC Executive Assistant, Adam Dietz, if you need further assistance choosing music. Adam’s contact information is below.

Soprano: “He Shall Feed His Flock”

Alto: “O Rest in the Lord”

Tenor: “Where’er You Walk”

Bass: “Deep River”

For further examples of the works performed by the Chorale over the past several decades, click here.

Regular attendance and preparation by singers are a fundamental part of the quality of performances for which the Chorale has become known. Attendance is taken at every rehearsal. In case of professional, health or other reasons, two absences per concert are permitted. Attendance at the dress rehearsal prior to each concert is mandatory.

We realize that the idea of singing in front of a room of strangers could be daunting. However, let us assure you, the audition process could not be any simpler. The SVC is open to anyone who loves to sing. In fact, our members represent a wide range of backgrounds, both professional and musical.

Check out this mock audition we’ve prepared. See…just like we said…easy!

We hope you’ll consider joining our family.


The next round of auditions for the 2024/25 season will be Tuesday, January 14 AND Tuesday, January 21 by appointment only; rehearsal to follow at 7PM. Those who are considering auditioning, but are still undecided, are welcome to attend an open rehearsal on January 14 and audition the following week. Music will provided for anyone observing the rehearsal.

To schedule an audition, or if you have questions, please contact us by using the form or call/email Adam Dietz, 570-847-3166,

Auditions and weekly rehearsals are held at First Baptist Church, 51 S. 3rd Street, Lewisburg, PA 17837.

Annual Membership Dues: $65

2024/25 Rehearsal Schedule